2008年7月21日 星期一

MMM in Book Fair and Kubrick

August 八月 - McMuimui Dansemble+Fat, Bun, Edmond, Sze
2008/08/01 Dance + Music
Admission: $ 180 / $ 153 (bc member's)
price includes a copy of 《雙妹嘜十年一潤姊姊妹妹藝雜誌》

Let you discover the creative power!

where to buy tickets
kubrick - bc
kubrick - apm
網上訂購 buying online**

~查詢電話: 2384 5465

誰 是顏 如玉?在哪裡可以見到顏如玉?她真的住在書本裡嗎?她真的存在嗎?她漂亮嗎?她重多少磅?她有沒有變靚D?她今天做了facial沒? 由本地現代舞者陳敏兒和楊惠美組成的「雙妹嘜舞蹈劇場」,將帶你遊kubrick,尋找書中的顏如玉。4月份,「雙妹嘜舞蹈劇場」獲康樂及文化事務署委約 創作「香港故事」系列之《十宰身體慶團緣》,手腳並用笑談女性身體的美麗與哀愁,今回由劇場移師書店,承接上次演出的獨特視覺,邀請你繼續「閱讀」身體。

Who is Yan Ruyu (pretty woman)? Where is she? Among books? Well, does she really exist? Is she beautiful? Does she wish to be beautiful? Local modern dance troupe McMuimui Dansemble, consists of Abby Chan and Yeung Wai-mei, is in search of the legendary Yan Ruyu at kubrick--the dancers have been told that Yan Ruyu exists in books as a symbol of success and fortune. With their acclaimed new work Flesh Dance premiered in April at the Cultural Centre as an attempt to examine the female body, McMuimui Dansemble will transform kubrick into another site of exploration to discover the never-ending myths and mysteries of the human flesh.
