2008年3月21日 星期五

Body Move Body Talk

雖然排練正如火如荼, 星期三那天也抽空到了屯門。
不是遊山玩水, 其實是雙妹被嶺南大學的邀請, ‘講’一個關於舞蹈創作的'talk'。
雙妹最喜歡又跳又講, 所以講座的名稱為 " Body Move ‧ Body Talk"

當天出席的學生比預期的湧躍, 很早就在門外等, 令正在享受遲來下午茶的雙妹, 匆忙把Miss 推介的大學 canteen 滷水雞脾和薯條放低。。。

學生們都很用心的看和參與, 之後是傾談時間。
發覺多是男生發言和發問, 女生則只是用心的聽。
席間我們談了很多關於身體的話題, 舞蹈與動作的構思, 和創作的表達手法。

示範演出得以順利完成, 非常感激大學教職員的協助, 還有 KaYing 、Sing、OO 和 Jesse 的幫忙!
更開心就是之後到三聖村食海鮮!!! 好味到呢!!!
沒錯, 雙妹嘜除了和"舞"關係密切之外, 和"吃"也結下不解之緣啊!

All photos by Jesse Clockwork

1 則留言:

barefoot 提到...

it was nice to meet some real audience and get feedbacks from them. i love interacting with audience, also a challenge for us...like the aspect of 'u never know...' there was a part that the audience were ask to make a 'cool' body posture, and most of the audience ended up giggling or bending forward (cant resist laughing), or covering their mouths with hands... it make s me think what our bodies are... the way we want to carry it. look forward to meet on the real stage. i need a back rub!!! ;P